Winners are built different.

Only few choose actions over excuses.

Hey ,

Have you ever felt like giving up because everything seemed to be working against you?

Well, I believe you would definitely have faced such situation and that’s what made you so powerful.

However, some people start with much worse condition and still sail through many obstacles with bright smile, hard work, and hope.

Today, I want to share story of Daniel, who was born in a very poor family but sailed through adversities and built a multi-million-dollar food business.

Story of Daniel in his own words:

Before I share my story, I want you, the reader, to know that my story is no special but what many people goes through, but the only difference is about the mindset.

I was born in a poor neighbourhood in the USA during the 1980s. Opportunities were scarce, and the next meal was often uncertain. I lived in a small house with my three brothers and my mother.

My father was a drunkard who did no work, leaving my mother to care for everyone. Despite these hardships, my mother taught me the values of honesty and integrity.

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Schooling was not an option for me due to financial constraints. Determined to educate myself, I borrowed books and magazines from neighbours and friends.

At the age of 13, I started working labour jobs to support my mother, who worked tirelessly to provide for the family.

After four years of hard work, the family saved enough to move to a better house. Unfortunately, around this time, I lost my father. Despite the tragedy, I continued to work and save.

After some time, I decided to start a small business selling mechanical parts for cycles, hoping to improve our financial situation.

However, the business failed, leaving me in debt. The family had to move to a smaller house, and I faced numerous rejections while searching for a job. Conditions worsened, and despair began to set in.

One day, while watching a commercial, I learned about the rising demand for healthy beverages. Inspired by this idea, I decided to start a healthy snack company.

Despite the risks, I took loans from multiple people and put my house on the line to fund the venture. (I believe you would have also taken such risks for your passion and venture)

The business started slowly, but my determination never wavered. Over the years, my healthy snack company gained traction. By the late 2010s, it had grown into a multi-million-dollar food business. My perseverance had finally paid off.

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Throughout my journey, I often reflected on my mother's influence. She remained calm, composed, and conscious of her actions, even in the face of adversity. This mindset was something I adopted, helping me navigate the toughest and brightest of times.

I attribute much of my success to the conscious mindset I learned from my mother. I also want to emphasize the importance of diet, as I avoided unhealthy habits, which kept me resilient both physically and mentally.

All I can say to you is:

Everyone starts from low, but only those make it to the top who doesn’t know what giving up means.

- Daniel

I feel some people are just built different, and despite of so many problems since early on, they just keep pushing forward.

His story is a testament to the idea that no matter how many times you fail, persistence and a positive mindset can lead to success.

Thanks for taking out your precious time for reading this.

If you have any specific feedback or anything interesting, you’d like to share, please let us know by replying to this email.

Stay tuned for the next one. Until then, keep building consciously.

Thank you,

Santhosh, founder of WeBuidl

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