Story of a Super Founder among you.

Super Founders don't quit, they push.

Hey ,

I feel privileged to be able to talk with great founders like you.

2 days back, a 30 min call with a founder from the community turned into a 2-hour emotional and inspiring one.

He shared his story that many SUPER founders go through, so I decided to share it with you guys.

Here's his story, in his own words:

It was a hard and uncertain time for me and my startup. We were on the verge of closure, facing mounting debts, limited resources, and a series of rejections that seemed to shout with each passing day. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of challenges, unable to find solid ground amidst the turmoil.

But the challenges didn't end there. Personal struggles weighed heavily on my shoulders, with family problems adding to the already heavy burden I carried. And to top it all off, my health was suffering, worn down by stress, anxiety, and exhaustion.

I reached a breaking point—to make a choice between shutting down my startup or do something about keep it going.

So, I made a decision.

I decided to go on a 2 week-long retreat to a monastery located in Himalayas near North Indian region, seeking solace, clarity, and healing amidst the nature and spiritual practice. (The scenic beauty was mind-blowing)

Visual Representation

During my time at the monastery, I immersed myself in meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection, allowing myself to let go of the burdens I carried and connect within.

I did practices like, Pranayama, Om Chanting, Yoga Nidra, 14 hours silence, only consuming fruits and rice, and total cut off from digital world.

In the stillness of the monastery, I found peace. In the silence, I found clarity. And in the presence of wise mentors and fellow seekers, I found hope.

As the days passed, I felt some changes happening. The weight that had burdened my thoughts began to lift, while seeing some hope and positive aspects about my life and startup.

I will never forget what a monk told me there: If you don’t have obstacles, you aren’t growing at all.

I returned to my startup with renewed thoughts and determination. I took bold decisions to address my financial challenges, renegotiating contracts, securing new partnerships, and implementing cost-saving measures to stabilize our finances.

But perhaps the most significant change was internal. I approached each day with a sense of mindfulness and intentionality, consciously building a culture of trust, collaboration, and resilience within my team. (Yeah, I was able to pay them within 3 months)

Slowly but surely, the tide began to turn. It was literally like “The Dark Knight rises.”

So, to all my fellow founders facing struggles and setbacks, I urge you to not give up and rather take some time to step back, breathe, and realign with your deepest values and aspirations.

Sometimes slowing down can do so much of help which constantly running can’t.



I hope this story resonates with you as much as it did with me.

It's a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always light and hope to guide us forward.

If you want to share your experience or want to discuss about anything, we’re all ears! (Looking forward to your e-mail)

Stay tuned for the next one, which will take you one step closer in becoming a SUPER FOUNDER.

Thank you,

Santhosh, founder of WeBuidl