Story of Raj: Specially Abled to Successful

Greatness is a choice.

Hey ,

Every one of us has faced or is facing some form of hardship in life, haven't we?

But when you are born with a physical disability, the scenario becomes much more difficult.

Raj was born not only into a poor family but with a physical disability, yet his spirit was golden.

Today, I want to share a remarkable story of a Super Founder that embodies the spirit of perseverance, resilience, and gratitude.

Story of Raj in his own words:

I was born in a small town with limited opportunities, especially for someone like me with a disability.

Since I was young, my will was unbreakable. Despite my physical challenges and blindness, I was determined to study and make something meaningful of my life. But it wasn't easy.

Throughout my school years, I faced bullying and was often overlooked, despite my intelligence. My blindness seemed to be a barrier that prevented me from getting the opportunities I deserved.

Most people seemed to make judgments in their minds before even looking at my skills or my work. Many times, I felt that maybe I shouldn’t think highly about my chances in life. But something in me always pinched me to never lose hope.

After countless struggles, I managed to secure admission to one of the world's top institutions. It was a turning point for me.

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It was there that I met a good friend and mentor who believed in me. With their support, I began to excel academically and personally. My confidence grew, and so did my ambitions.

After graduation, finding a job was a daunting task. Rejections came swiftly, often because of my disability. But I refused to let that hold me back.

I decided to create my own opportunities. I decided to open a computer institute, but somewhere my pride started taking over me and, as you would have anticipated, the institute didn’t work out. It was a moment of reflection for me.

I didn’t give up. With a vision to make a difference and support people like myself, I founded a company that employed disabled individuals to create eco-friendly products. These products gained attention quickly, and soon, big Fortune 500 companies began buying from us.

The journey to success was anything but easy. Throughout it all, my constant companion was conscious thinking—a mindset that helped me navigate through the toughest times.

My company grew rapidly, becoming a multi-million dollar enterprise. I not only proved my worth but also created a platform for others with disabilities to showcase their talents.

I always say if you can take out anything from my story, it’s this one thing:

Life may throw challenges at us, but it doesn't have to define us. And life is unfair to everyone, but only those who have the will to turn things better for them and around them, win.

- Raj

What can I say? I had goosebumps when I listened to his story and felt emotional and powerful in a way that how some people, irrespective of odds, never give up.

I hope Raj's story inspires you as much as it inspired me.

Thanks for taking out your precious time for reading this.

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Stay tuned for the next one. Until then, keep building consciously.

Thank you,

Santhosh, founder of WeBuidl