Story of Maria: Housewife, Farmer, and Successful Business Owner

Against heavy odds she won.

Hey ,

Today, I want to share an inspiring story of a house wife cum farmer turned a successful entrepreneur.

Her story is such we don’t often hear but is so inspiring.

This is the story of Maria, in her own words:

Life has always been a series of challenges for me. Born and raised in a small village in Mexico, my husband and I struggled to make ends meet.

He worked tirelessly as a farmer, cultivating a small piece of land that barely provided enough for our family. We had three children to raise, and our days were filled with relentless hard work and sacrifice.

Our lives were a constant compromise, working from dawn until dusk just to fill our stomachs and ensure our children received a proper education.

Despite the hardships, I had one solace—my passion for cooking, especially making delicious pickles. Everyone in our neighborhood loved my pickles. They were a hit at every community gathering and family event, but to me, it was just a hobby, a way to bring joy to those around me and momentarily forget the daily struggles.

In 2008, in search of better opportunities, we made the difficult decision to move to America. We hoped for a brighter future, but the financial crash hit us hard soon after our arrival.

We found ourselves in an unfamiliar land with no stable jobs and dwindling savings. My husband and I took on any work we could find, from cleaning jobs to working in factories, just to make ends meet.

Our situation seemed hopeless, and we often thought of returning to Mexico, but we knew we had to stay and fight for our children's future.

By 2014, our eldest son had completed his studies. Seeing our relentless struggle, he recognized the potential in my pickle-making skills and pushed me to start a small venture selling pickles around the neighborhood.

Honestly, I was very much hesitant at first, doubting anyone would buy our pickles in a foreign land, but his encouragement and our desperate need for a breakthrough gave me the courage to try.

To our surprise and delight, the pickles became an instant hit. Word spread quickly, and orders started pouring in. We couldn’t believe the response—people loved the unique flavors and the homemade touch.

Within two years, our small venture grew beyond our wildest dreams. We had to buy a larger space to meet the increasing demand, and our pickles were soon being delivered across the state.

By 2019, our pickle business had transformed into a multi-million dollar enterprise, exporting to over 15 countries. Our lives changed dramatically, and we could finally provide the life we had always wanted for our children.

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that two practices have been my anchors through the highs and lows—praying and yoga. Since my early days, I have prayed daily, finding strength and solace in my faith.

In my 30s, I discovered yoga through a local community program, and it quickly became a daily practice. Even now, in my late 50s, I start each day with prayer and yoga. These practices have provided me with mental clarity, focus, and a resilient mindset.

In the toughest times, prayer and yoga kept me grounded and hopeful. During the best times, they reminded me to stay humble and centered.

A conscious lifestyle, rooted in these practices, has had a profoundly positive impact on my life, allowing me to navigate challenges with grace and make thoughtful decisions.

All I can share is one thing:

However tough time may be but when we are conscious about our actions and have self-belief, sooner or later, everything works out.


Literally, this story is so fulfilling and inspiring.

All I can say is that the gene of founders is something different.

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Stay tuned for the next one. Until then, keep building consciously.

Thank you,

Santhosh, founder of WeBuidl