You are losing money because of your focus.

But there's a free and easy solution.

Hey ,

Be honest and ask yourself these two questions:

  • Can I sit for several hours working without loosing focus ?

  • Am I completely focused on all aspects of my business and life ?

Today at glance:

1. Why focus is important?
2. How lack of focus can really impact you.
3. How a simple ancient yoga practice can enhance your focus and clarity.

As a founder, your days are filled with a myriad of tasks, decisions, and distractions, making it difficult to maintain laser-like focus and mental clarity.

The purpose of asking yourself these two questions is to underscore the importance of having sharp focus and clarity.

And you understand it better than anyone else that losing focus is equal to losing opportunities and money.

You already know that, but do you realize how lack of focus can really impact you?

So, what’s the solution then?

Well, ancient yogic system has got you covered with a super powerful yet simple technique.

Listen, we understand you are busy individual, so we are sharing just a quick practice that can really make a staggering impact on your performance.

Trataka, the ancient yogic practice of steady gazing, offers a powerful remedy for the scattered mind and restless thoughts that may plague your thinking and performance.

Simply, Trataka involves gazing at a specific object or point of focus, such as a candle flame, symbol, or image, with unwavering attention.

Confused? Relax, we got you covered.

Here's how to perform Trataka:

You can watch this simple tutorial and can perform along. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO

OR here’s a simple guide for you.

  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet, comfortable spot and sit with an erect spine and relaxed shoulders.

  2. Choose Your Object: Select a focal point—like a candle flame, symbol, or point on the wall.

  3. Gaze Intently: Fix your gaze on the chosen object with soft, steady eyes.

  4. Maintain Stillness: Keep your body and breath steady without blinking or shifting focus.

  5. Embrace Inner Stillness: Quiet your mind and dissolve thoughts, cultivating inner calm.

  6. Rest and Reflect: After several minutes, gently close your eyes and rest in the afterimage or inner stillness.

Relax, it’s very easy to incorporate Trataka into your busy daily routine:

You can start your day with a brief 15 minute session of Trataka or wind down before bedtime to release mental chatter, promote relaxation, and for a good night sleep.

As a founder, our ability to focus and maintain clarity is paramount to our success and well-being.

a Super Founder

Your focus and clarity of thoughts are literally in your own hand, and now you have a tool to enhance it as well.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions, we’re all ears!

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Stay tuned for the next one, which will take you one step closer in becoming a Super founder.

Thank you,

Santhosh, founder of WeBuidl