What do you choose between Work & Life?

But you can choose both at the same time.

Hey ,

I had a call last night with a founder and he shared something personal:

“Santosh, we founders often are best managers for work but when it comes to managing both work and life, sometimes we don’t perform as expected.”

Work-life balance is indeed a reality; let’s have a real talk.

Today at glance:

1. Is Work-Life balance a luxury?
2. It can have some serious impact.
3. Some practical tips from a founder to a founder to manage work-life well.

As founders, we wear many hats and juggle multiple responsibilities, often sacrificing our personal well-being in the pursuit of success.

But deep down, at one point we all ask:

Do we really need to sacrifice on our life and family part?


It may have come pretty straight forward, but that’s the reality.

And the consequences of a skewed work-life balance extend far beyond the workplace, influencing every aspect of our lives:

And please don’t consider yourself alone, almost every one of us has gone, is going or would have gone through this “PHASE”.

So, what to do?

Here are some practical yet uncommon tips from a founder to a founder for managing work-life balance more effectively:

  1. Adopt a Flexitarian Schedule: Embrace a flexible workday, mixing focused work periods with breaks for rest and personal activities. Experiment with different scheduling methods like time-blocking or theme days to boost productivity and well-being.

  2. Embrace Micro-Resets: Take short breaks throughout the day for mindfulness, movement, or nature walks to recharge and maintain balance. These quick resets prevent burnout and keep energy levels high.

  3. Practice Strategic Disconnection: Set boundaries for digital devices and communication channels to avoid constant interruptions. Allocate specific times for checking emails and messages, allowing for uninterrupted focus on deep work and creativity.

  4. Cultivate Hobbies: Explore activities outside of work that bring joy and fulfillment. Whether it's gardening, painting, or playing music, prioritize hobbies that rejuvenate your spirit and remind you of life's richness beyond work.

  5. Prioritize Relationships: Invest time in nurturing meaningful connections with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. Schedule regular quality time to strengthen these relationships, as they provide invaluable support during challenging times.

Achieving work-life balance as a founder is not about perfecting a delicate equilibrium between work and life but rather cultivating a holistic approach to well-being that honors all aspects of our lives.

a Super Founder

I hope this helps, if you have any questions, we’re all ears!

Stay tuned for the next one, which will take you one step closer in becoming a SUPER FOUNDER.

Thank you,

Santhosh, founder of WeBuidl